To help you pass the dreaded learner's licence test!

Many people say that learning how to drive wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be. Before you take the driver's licence test, you first need to take - and pass -  the all-important learner's licence test. It takes practice, time, perseverance and dedication. says  many people fail due to, having an over-confident attitude, thinking you only need to know what a few road signs mean, and believing the rest is just common sense.” “Not understanding the information clearly and high levels of anxiety before and during the test are other reasons why people fail.”  says


At Suzuki, we want to ensure you’re well prepared for one of the most nerve-racking tests. Whether you’re applying to write your learner's licence test for the first time or, you’ve missed the grade several times, our handy study guide and will ensure you’re ready to ace this test. Scientifically, most of us recall and learn more if we practise questions and answers so taking the quiz at the end of the guide will ensure that you're ready.


Remember that you’re not only learning and studying for your learner's licence test but also to become a good driver.


Learners license (flashcards)


The Suzuki Learner's Licence Study Guide is meant to help you revise for this nerve-racking test.

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